Saturday, May 30, 2009


note: this is NOT a homophobe post!

SAY NO TO LGBT what i meant...

SAY YES TO LOVE do i start this
okay so there has been soo much talk and arguement about the whole LGBT thing. In my opinion, i think it shouldnt be LGBT. It should br called LGSBT.and ultimately the removal of all labels. The LGBT community has always been talking and fighting for LGBT rights as if a certain group has taken it away from us and were trying to take it back from them (and my that i mean once weve gotten it back , they will become "rightless" and the war continues). What i havein mind is simple: why dont we all fight for equality? why dnt we fight for LGBST rights? or better still why dont we STOP usng these terms and go back to using the words humans and people.

What i understand about this love thingy...
Love is a feeling. Just like any other feeling, it can come at any time,for any reason,at anything.We have no control over what and how we feel and of course who or what we feel about.There are no rules that govern how we must feel at any moment.There is NO fault or crime in feeling sad, no crime in feeling happy, no crime in feeling ANYTHING AT ALL!!! So why is LOVE an exception?!

我是觉得,爱就是爱。没得说什么可以爱,什么不可爱咯。Everytime 人家问我的时候,我都说:“爱就是爱咯。我有可能爱他,也有可能爱她,甚至是它。我不知道因为我们不能控制这些感觉的东西。因为我们都只是人”所以我不大喜欢人家用LGBT来label我。因为我什么都不是,你什么都不是,我们只是人。所以我不懂爱要有条件,规则的咯。我们有没有伤害人家,又没有逼人。我们只是希望我们的“爱”可以被容纳。不!应该说我只希望不只我们,连你们,他们,hampalang们的爱可以被全部人接受unified。因为爱就是爱~

so there shouldnt be a label LGBT,or LGSBT or whatever...
Its just love okay ....
just love...

*I know this post is really hard to understand.I have a problem with putting my thoughts into words.
**Do comment.i would love to hear what you all have to say.Maybe i can clear things up for you.
***All of the above is NOT a statement representing anyone more than myself.It is not intended to be anything more than an expression of my thoughts (and a pretty damn lousy expression).
****And for all of you who dont know what LGBT stands for,well i have nothing to say.i guess you should go look it up?

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